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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sameold sameold sameold predictable Washington, D.C. during this presidency. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. One day it will change. WHEN?

Sameold sameold sameold predictable Washington, D.C. during this presidency. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. One day it will change. WHEN?

Some are counting the days until that "WHEN" arrives and some are dreading it. Nevertheless is is bound to arrive. All things change. Nothing stays the same. The sun rises and sets. Oceans ebb and flow. Earth will continue until one day it no longer is. In the meantime we are born live and die no matter whom we are or where we are. We breathe we eat we drink we fight we love. The same everywhere. No difference. Didja know?

Posted - August 20, 2018
