Count number 7 which had to do with the hush money paid to the playmate babe with whom donjohn had an affair. $150,000 to buy her silence.
Count number 8 had to do with the hush money paid to Stormy Daniels. $130,000. The porn star he bedded and then paid off whose silence he tried to buy.
Of course the don denies it. Of course trumpicans believe him. Of course. What else?
Here is what was criminal about those two transactions. It involved misuse of campaign financing to influence the outcome of an election. That is illegal. Michael Cohen UNDER OATH said he was directed by the don to pay those monies and don was not only aware of it but particpated in it and directed it.
There are certainly going to be more Cohen revelations. Don't forget Omarosa and all her additional tapes and emails and recordings of phone conversations. Then there is whatever White House Counsel Don McGahn told Mueller during his 30 hours of under-oath testimony. And there are all the other folks already deposed by Mueller UNDER OATH. What did they divulge? Who among them would lie for the don and jeopardize themselves and face prison time? Would YOU?
What else is out there just waiting to be revealed? The spin machine will be in full force. The standard typical average ordinary predictable FAKE NEWS NO COLLUSION WITCH HUNT will be at a level never heard before. All the good little soldiers (trumpicans) will march in step and speak from the same script as more and more is revealed/unveiled. Oh the good times are a comin'! :)