Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Wishy washy results. Some donjohn-backed candidates win and some lose. Why don't trumpican Republicans support everyone the don supports?
It's all in how the product is packaged, presented and sold. You must understand up front that many voters don't understand the basic mechanics of how elections work, much less the more subtle nuances of the game. Here in Georgia, we are on the verge of electing an extreme radical leftist as the next governor. It's being done with a very cagey strategy that appears to be working like a charm. First, you stop all the radical rhetoric while you're at home. Save it for those times you're outside the state. The media has your back and without the folks back home hearing it, those from outside the state, who have invested millions into the campaign, can see that they are getting something for their cash. Next, the urban areas will turn out the largest African American vote in the state's history, to say nothing of participation by the largest Hispanic community east of the Mississippi River. So don't go there. Concentrate on counties carried by Trump in 2016 by margins of 60-70% and campaign as an advocate of the Trump position on key issues. You only need a small percentage of those votes. Early polling data shows Conservatives taking the bait. It's all smoke and mirrors. So this may not answer the question, but it might be an insight into the realities of the game. It's a page out of Jimmy Carter's successful gubernatorial campaign.