When we were young a gentleman was always fair and honest, interacted smoothly and respectfully with others, protected and deferred to those he regarded as "weaker" and so less well able to care for themselves, and took care of business very efficiently. A lady was at all times pleasing, knew the social graces, stayed home, and kept her mouth shut.
Keeping one's mouth shut does not appeal to me og. You're right of course. Women WERE most reasured and at their best when silent, pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen. When they didn't have a vote. They were only good for taking care of their children and servicing men. A gentleman doesn't sexually abuse a woman. A gentleman doesn't insult demean attack vilify a woman. A gentleman doesn't call a woman a "dog" or insult her IQ or grab her private parts. When I hear the word "lady" Audrey Hepburn comes to mind. Or Grace Kelly Illusions perhaps. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday.
For me it is how we treat one another. Kindness is a spectacular word because it has so many colors and dimensions and levels. When you're kind you don't lie or insult or attack or harm others. It matters not your wealth or power or "social capital". How do you relate to people? How do you speak of them? What do you think about them? Do you do for them or to them? I like that. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)