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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once again a word choice bites donjohn on the a**. The word is CROOKED and he applied it to a former opponent. Wanna know what CROOKED is?

Once again a word choice bites donjohn on the a**. The word is CROOKED and he applied it to a former opponent. Wanna know what CROOKED is?

How many of his former employees, HIS appointees, have or will face charges of corruption and criminal activity? How many of THEM will end up in prison? Including the don there has never been in the history of the American government so many corrupt people. Can you count all of them? Neither can I. Yet Crooked don and his crooked thugs are the ones being charged and tried and CONVICTED! On charge #8 of the 8 charges Michael Cohen was FOUND GUILTY of, the don himself is an "unindicted co-conspirator" having been the one who told Michael Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 in HUSH MONEY. Michael Cohen UNDER OATH gave chapter and verse of what happened. On count 7 $150,000 was paid as hush money to a former Playboy Playmate. The don was involved in that a well. Now the crux of the matter is was the money used taken from the campaign to pay the gals off to CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION? DUH! Why d'ya think it was paid? THAT IS ILLEGAL! So much for crooked. The don and his ilk own that word. They are all poster oldsters for it since none have ever been better at being CROOKED.

Posted - August 22, 2018
