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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For a guy who is GREEDILY NEEDY for LOVE 24/7 he is very specific. He covets the love of the few and ignores the many who despise him. WHY?

For a guy who is GREEDILY NEEDY for LOVE 24/7 he is very specific. He covets the love of the few and ignores the many who despise him. WHY?

Normally the needy-for-love try to win over those who dislike them. They want EVERYONE to love them. They don't  go out of their way to cause folks to despise them revile them disgust them. The need grows ever larger and so they try harder and harder and harder. That is normal for such folks. But to do cartwheels and backflips and tap dance for the love of the FEW ignoring the multitude? That is not normal. So why is UNIVERSAL adoration not worth fighting for? Why settle for the adoration of the very few when the whole world is out there waiting to be courted and wined and dined and treated ever so kindly?

Posted - August 23, 2018
