Not even a pip or a squeak from either of them. They are MIA and have been most all the way from the inauguration in January 2017 to this very day. Cowards. Scairdy cats. They are not leaders. They are not even men. They are ciphers holograms delusions illusions. What a pathetic showing for Trumpicans. From stem to stern, the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Judiciary(EXCEPT FOR THE UNFAIRLY MALIGNED INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY) that rolls over and caves and fawns. Where is the governing? Who is responsible for this intolerable debacle? Where are the Republican MEN and Republican WOMEN of character and quality who are supposed to SERVE WE THE PEOPLE? Did Crooked Don Stepfordize each and every one of them to act alike look alike talk alike think alike be alike see alike hear alike? AARRGGHH!