When asked on the plane if don knew about the $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels he said he didn't know. Ask his lawyer.
Then RudyG said don reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000 payment to Stormy but insisted it was not from campaign funds.
They continue to insist no sex took place between t he playmate (to wom $150,000 was paid so she'd shut up) and the porn star (to whom $130,000) was paid to shut up. HUSH MONEY.
Cohen says the payments were made at the DIRECTION of "the candidate". Which means innocent little donjohn knew. Now what innocent person pays $250,000 to shut people up when he didn't have sex with them ? He must think we are stupid to believe that. He is a CHEAPSKATE tightwad who stiffs people every chance he gets. He is a Deadbeat cheapskate tightwad stiffer. He ain't gonna pony up $250,000 to hush up dames who are lying. No way. Not gonna happen.