Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I don't know which group is larger. Those who need to have access to guns to feel safe and those who don't. Why the divide?
I don't need a gun to feel safe. I live in a safe area. I have been in areas where I would not feel safe even with a firearm. I do own firearms.
I do believe everyone should have the right to arms if they want and are not a criminal or mentally unstable.
The divide is because one side believes they should be allowed to disarm me and other lawful citizens.
This post was edited by my2cents at August 23, 2018 9:12 AM MDT
The divide is largely due to the attitude of those who believe NOBODY should own firearms. Well, except for the government. (and we've seen how bad that can turn out, when the government finally turns on the citizens) If someone doesn't want to own firearms, that is their choice. It doesn't give them any moral authority to declare that nobody else should.
People answer: "Well that could never happen in America". They purposefully ignore that it already HAS happened in America. Numerous times.
They also answer: "Small arms won't protect you against the military". They purposefully ignore history proves them wrong, on that as well.
I disagree with thee emphatically Walt. I am not a gun person Guns scare me. But I have no problem with others who own guns if they are used responsibly. If I had grown up in a gun family where knowing how to use guns were part of the family dynamic I WOULD BE a gun person. So I disagree with your assessment. My question stems from observation as an outsider. I don't feel unsafe without a gun. I never have. When I was ten years old my dad tried to teach me about how to handle a gun. He had a handgun in the closet and I guess he thought I was old enough and mature enough. He worked nights and so my mom and my baby sister and I were there alone. My mom tended toward the hysterical at times but not me. I didn't want any part of it. He put the gun in my hand and I started shaking and then I began to cry. I was ten for goodness sakes! He took the gun out of my and put it away somewhere and we never spoke of it again. The purpose of handguns is to KILL living things. I do not wish to KILL so I have no need to have a gun. I am not terrified every day for lack of having a gun. I am NOT terrified or fearful at all in fact with one caveat. The wackadoodle prez scares the crap outta me. He is a loose cannon and one day when he explodes he will take with him what he hits. Getting back to the subject I surmise those who fight the hardest for gun ownership and rail against rules to govern them do so because guns make them feel safer. Why else have so many? Why else have handguns? I mean do you hunt game with handguns or rifles? I understand having the types of guns you need if you live off the land and "go hunting" to put food on the table. In fact Jim's youngest son has gone hunting. I know he has rifles. I don't know if he has a handgun. He does not strike me as being a fearful person. I guess I beat that horse to death. It's a simple question though don't you think? Why do some folks need guns to feel safe and others don't? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 24, 2018 4:32 AM MDT
The best reason I have for so-called "assault weapons" is to protect your family/property against large numbers of hostiles. In US history, there are numerous instances where that has been necessary. Both against mobs (aka "riots"), and our own government.
It's not a matter of being afraid, for most gun owners. It's a matter of being prepared. Far better to have a gun and never need it, than to not have one and need it.