Honor they father and mother...unless they don't honor you then smack the crap outta them
Don't kill/murder. Unless you get ticked off bigly than go ahead. You'll have plenty of defenders to back you up
Don't covet....unless the others have more than you and you want more too then covet away and steal and pray your way to success. That's what GOD is for. To answer your prayers.
Etcetera and so forth
We have been instructed to believe neither what we hear nor what we see. Well you READ the Ten Commandments and you HEAR them read aloud. Believe neither except what the holy one someone whom you trust with your life and the lives of your family tells you to believe. What he says goes. GOD? I dunno. Lotsa so-called religious folks have forsaken God at the voting booth when they voted for the guy in 2016 and forsake HIM daily as they defend the indefensible. Do what benefits them most and believing in donjohn is mandatory. It is not a choice. If God is second then HE will understand. HE understands all after all doesn't he? HE doesn't mind being shoved aside for don.