Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any songs ever been written about the glories of LYING? Pols do it 24/7. Why hasn't anyone written a CAMPAIGN THEME SONG about LYING ?

Any songs ever been written about the glories of LYING? Pols do it 24/7. Why hasn't anyone written a CAMPAIGN THEME SONG about LYING ?

If the liar becomes president make his theme song the national anthem! I mean why not?  TRUTH IN ADVERTISING is a wondrous thing isn't it? Let the candidate PROMISE that he will lie 24/7 on behalf of the country and for its own good. That he will never tell the truth. He will never apologize. He will never admit wrong doing.  He will promise everything and deliver nothing unless it benefits him. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING! Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Posted - August 25, 2018
