Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The silence of the donjohn is VERY good vis a vis the dying John McCain. Is he waiting for McCain to die before he excoriates him?

The silence of the donjohn is VERY good vis a vis the dying John McCain. Is he waiting for McCain to die before he excoriates him?

Before he vilifies him?  We know the don hates McCain for being captured. He doesn't like folks who were captured. He hates McCain for NOT sucking up to him and kissing his corpulent ARSE as Lindsay Graham is currently doing. He HATES McCain because folks ADMIRE McCain and detest the don. Can he hold the venom and hate within until McCain dies before he regurgitates all of it via his infamous tweets? Or will he EXPLODE in a tirade a rant an hysterical meltdown? Will he wait till the day of the funeral to vent so he can get all the attention away from McCain? The don hates having anyone upstage him. He will do anything to shove others  aside so he gets the spotlight all to himself. The don is not a good SHARER. Bets?

Posted - August 25, 2018
