Wow! It is a beautiful bird Ele. Is its call comparable to any other bird's? I have a thing about birds. When I was 3 we visited some friends of my parents and they had a canary that they let fly free in the house. For some reason it landed on my head and started flexing its claws and it hurt and I remember crying and screaming! Ever since then I do not trust birds. Of course having seen the movie THE BIRDS decades ago didn't help. Thank you for your reply and the graphic! :)
Oh. Thank you Ele. Have you ever seen one up close and personal and heard its call? Are there aviaries somewhere that one might see them? I've seen movies with hawks as pets and the owner (I guess) has a leather thingamajig on his arm where the hawk lands. Would an Eagle such as you've shown make a good pet? Remember I am totally ignorant about the subject so if the question is dumb that's why! :)
I think your best bet would be to find a wildlife rehab facility in your area. They usually have birds that have been rescued and can't be released, and they often do demonstrations for the public.
Raptors (hawks, eagles, owls, falcons) should not be kept as pets. In my opinion, no wild animals should be kept as pets.
Here's a site that might help you find a facility:
Thank you for your thoughtful and helpful reply SA and for the link. Happy Tuesday to you m'dear! :) Isn't is illegal to have exotic animals s pets? I'm gonna ask.
It's adorable SA!. I'd probably tend to go with the most beautiful like a peacock for instance. I've also seen Macaus or parrots or whatever they are that are quite beautiful. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)