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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya think too many folks are full of themselves and think they're IMPORTANT when in fact they aren't. What gave them such swelled heads?

D'ya think too many folks are full of themselves and think they're IMPORTANT when in fact they aren't. What gave them such swelled heads?

We don't even know WHY we're here or WHAT we're supposed to be doing with our lives or WHETHER OR NOT we are independent and in control or being manipulated by other powers. We could be specimens existing in test tubes or under microscopes being examined and tested relentlessly to see what we're made of and how we will react. It could be a Matrix life. We could be on a holodeck as participants in someone else's imagination. It could be a universal REALITY SHOW with earthlings the "stars" that all the other inhabitants in all the other  worlds in all the other galaxies tune in to watch for laughs. Since we DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING how can we rule out anything? What man can conceive man can achieve. Theoretically. Agree/dis?

Posted - August 27, 2018


  • 44765
    I asked a similar question a few days ago. Here are the responses I got in case you don't get any.
      August 27, 2018 6:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I clicked on the link for which I thank you Ele. Thanks for sharing your replies with me sweetie. Since I never go venturing out and about I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. You are a pal! :) Oh I could say great minds(thine and mine) run along the same paths but that would be bragging kinda sorta wouldn't it? :(
      August 27, 2018 6:44 AM MDT