Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The results of the November mid-term elections will show us exactly what America has become and if there is any hope for us. Won't it?
I haven’t had much faith in Americans for awhile. With the choices we’ve had for presidents and the reelections of several incompetent and mentally unfit politicians.
No truer words were ever spoken to my knowledge. I'm genuinely afraid that in this midterm we'll be dragged kicking and screaming into the quagmire and pit of quick sand known as socialism. And it will be brought to you courtesy of those who cannot even define it, much less enact it. That fits the pattern, as we hear more and more condemnation and damnation from Democrats who offer not one substantive or original solution to the nation's problems. Just more muddled mularkey, muddied water with a little smoke and mirrors thrown in for good measure. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.. Dante's Inferno (paraphrase)