Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They are the unsung heroes. Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Year after year after year after year! Of whom do I speak?

They are the unsung heroes. Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Year after year after year after year! Of whom do I speak?

They are called many things. The polite label is LANGUAGE PURIST. Just  AS/LIKE the Nazis wanted to keep their blood pure so they made sure by exterminating the "bad blood" humans. So too do the LANGUAGE PURISTS want to keep the language pure.  Noble stalwart brave intrepid ceaseless endless eternally vigilant. They invade at will when you least expect it. They do not ever wait for an invitation to the dance. They crash every party and take over. It is a hard life. They are never welcome anywhere they go.  Yet they soldier on. Sometimes they double-team. A difficult job but someone has to do it. Right? The civilization could not survive without them. They set us straight not because we needed it but because it was the right thing to do.

Posted - August 29, 2018
