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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Yes I know. Things change. People change. Societal mores change. But who knew a day would arrive when it would be like this?

Yes I know. Things change. People change. Societal mores change. But who knew a day would arrive when it would be like this?

People who actually enjoy and support being taken unfair advantage of in huge numbers. They enjoy being ripped off so much they fight very hard and scream and shout and demand that everything continue as is at their expense. An anomaly? I dunno. Those folks are wired very differently from thee and me. Very differently. Whether it is bad wiring or they are made on a different production line I do not know and cannot say. They are absolutely certain it is better for them to be that way. I say OK. Whatever you say. SIGH.

Posted - August 29, 2018
