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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Discussing morality/integrity in politics is absurd I know but here goes. Is there any line in politics that should not be crossed?

Discussing morality/integrity in politics is absurd I know but here goes. Is there any line in politics that should not be crossed?

The name of the vic and perp(s) isn't relevant.  The political party that did what to whom also doesn't matter. It's the script that matters, not the actors. Here's what happened.

A former CIA officer turned  political candidate says a PAC obtained her Security Clearance Application and used information in it against her in political ads. Nothing had been redacted.

Now do you have any problem with things like medical records being taken and used against political opponents?
There is an expectation of privacy about such things as medical records and applications but is that just an ideal and in reality there is no such thing? Where would YOU draw the line about getting and using private information about a political opponent or is there no line?

Posted - August 30, 2018
