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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I have successfully avoided TERRIFYING in SCARY rides and CRUEL EVIL UGLY MONSTROUS in movies/TV/literature. Why is it the donjohn MO?.

I have successfully avoided TERRIFYING in SCARY rides and CRUEL EVIL UGLY MONSTROUS in movies/TV/literature. Why is it the donjohn MO?.

I'm stuck with the government we have currently. Voting may change things but there is no guarantee that it will. I don't trust our election process any longer. Too many HATEFUL EVIL hackers have access. Many are Americans. They all have dishonorable intentions. Unless a miracle occurs we are at the mercy of a merciless despot. He knows it. We know it. The ball is in his court. Will we ever get a chance at it? "We'll see what happens". "Everyone says so". Make America Great Again. Witch Hunt. No Collusion. Fake News. Lock Her Up. Memorable words aren't they? The legacy of a yet-to-be-determined finished/done entity.

Posted - August 30, 2018
