How will he survive without cameras and microphones and internet sites and magazines and newspapers ? Total blackout donjohn. No media no donjohn. No cameras no microphones all rallies will be private and no one will ever hear or see anything about you any more. Dead to us for all intents and purposes. Be careful what you wish for. If you get it you will shrivel up like a balloon whose air is let out and you will just lie there and no one will care. Can you live with what you are advocating?
Did Donald Trump have any previous, significant political or diplomatic-service experience, or does the American system allow anyone to stand for election to presidency without that?
By contrast, all British Prime and other Ministers are also serving constituency Members of Parliament, and they all start as such MPs, having been selected by their local branches of their Parties. The Parliamentary parties choose their own leaders who can then become PM if the Party wins a General Election - the final say at least on appointment to Cabinet (senior, executive) Minister is by the Prime Minister. So they are all elected publicly, but as Members of Parliament, not as Ministers. It means by the time an MP becomes also PM, he or she has had a lot of governmental and parliamentary experience. They might still make mistakes or mismanage the country, but at least they are not elected straight in at top level without appropriate background. And they cannot control the Civil Service in a political sense, except arguably by budget cuts or rises, as its individual departments report to their appropriate Ministers but are independent of Government.
Perhaps Trump's biggest errors of judgement seen from outside of America and beyond actual party politics, are the glaringly obvious way he hires or fires his equivalents of Ministers and Civil Service departmental heads, and his use of Twitter and news manipulation, so it is very hard to know what of his pronouncements are facts, opinions or lies.
Unfortunately one effect of "social media" is the way they encourage their users into mutual manipulation, polarising, herding and loss of analytical abilities or even individuality. This goes far beyond anything the established Press and broadcasters in democracies might or might not do, and I suspect Trump knows and exploits it.