What's YOUR complaint and YOUR suggestion? I expect with 60% of the American people disapproving of he who shall not be named the suggestion box would need to be HUGELY ENORMOUS and the complaint department would need to have many employees. At least one employee per state. Maybe one employee per city. So thousands of new jobs would be made available for complaint takers. They would sit at their desks all day long every day taking the complaints of we the people. Maybe an entire building should become the SUGGESTION BOX because there would surely be millions and millions and millions of them. Of course we would also need another department staffed with zillions of people who read those complaints and present them to he who shall not be named. Also daily on every news station (except FOX OF COURSE) the anchors would read the list of new complaints. They might not have any time to report on the daily hijinks of he who shall not be named because there would so many complaints. How bad would THAT be for thee?