Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Typical STUPID DUMB! Those who argue ardently for "enhanced interrogation "(TORTURE) were never subjected to it. Ironic ain't it?

Typical STUPID DUMB! Those who argue ardently for "enhanced interrogation "(TORTURE) were never subjected to it. Ironic ain't it?

A TORTURE VICTIM, John McCain, argued ardently AGAINST IT. For which he was roundly and profoundly though unsoundly criticized by some in his own party. He never shut up and rolled over as all the rest of them do. America is the only country where the ignorant make the laws and the knowledgeable have to fight against them. What fools we mortals be..especially in America NOW. SIGH. I guess it's better to be a worldwide laughingstock thanks to donjohn than to be ignored, right folks? Anything to get attention no matter how ludicrous, absurd, ignoble, evil. Carry on. "We'll see what happens".

Posted - September 1, 2018
