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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What's in a name? Quite a lot actually. It could be the difference between success and failure. Does it draw people in or are they revulsed?

What's in a name? Quite a lot actually. It could be the difference between success and failure. Does it draw people in or are they revulsed?

How do people decide on what to name a child or a business or a book or a song? It seems to me that might be the most critical thing to get right. If it doesn't attract people at all then it doesn't matter how splendid it is no one cares to find out.

Of course the things folks find appealing or repulsive are different things. There is that. But doesn't it make sense to choose a name that most people would find appealing so they would be receptive to checking it out? How would you go about naming a business or a restaurant or a special dish on the menu or your latest book or song or your child?

Posted - September 4, 2018


  • 10798

    Names.  Everyone has at least one, but what is a name?  A name is a way to identify someone or something (Billy, Janet, fire, water, Mars, Jupiter). 

    When parents name their kids, they sometimes use a name of a parent, grandparent or other ancestor to honor or remember that person (George, Albert, William).  Some use names that have a religious or cultural meaning (Daniel, David).  Some parents use names that will stand out, while others name their kids after objects (River, Rock, Moon-Unit). 

    As that person grows, their name takes on new significance.    It comes to represent that person’s character.

    What comes to mind when you hear the name - George Washington?  How about Abraham Lincoln or Albert Einstein?  How about Donald Trump?   What about Adolph Hitler, Judas Iscariot, Bill Cosby?  In and of themselves, these names were innocuous.  However, what the person who bore that name did in their life forever etched an impression in other people’s minds – good or bad.

    Then there are company names.  What comes to mind when you hear, Nike, or Wells Fargo?  How about, Frito Lay or Monsanto?  We don’t seem to think about what the name means, but rather what it represents. 

    It’s not so much what’s in a name as it what that name stands for.

      September 4, 2018 11:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Yes and no. First impressions. You can only have one. You are going to meet someone named Gertrude Dumby. Never seen her before. Or you have an opportunity to meet Nicole Evans. Never seen her before either. Which meet and greet would you look forward to more? Actors change their names all the time. Why is that? Gwyneth Paltrow named a daughter Apple. Can you just hear the jeers? "She is bad to the core". Why do that to a child?  Two books. One titled "Dreams and themes and jelly beans". The other "How to make road kill tasty". A body of water is called "Mystery Lake". Another one "Cesspool pond". Anxious to visit each equally? How about "scrumptious stew" versus "vile veal". Of course I'm exaggerating. Not about naming her daughter Apple though. Gwyneth did that. Time is not unlimited. You don't have time to experience/research/investigate everything.  A store has two sections. One is titled "GOOD STUFF" . The other "CRAP". Which is more likely to draw you in FIRST? You may not be as sensitive to names as I am Shuhak. Perhaps your curiosity is boundless and names are all the same in terms of drawing power for you. I am not an equal opportunity seeker outer. First impression is a one-time only thing. Sometimes or maybe lots of times they are wrong but it's all ya got if your time is limited. I'm drawn to beauty. I know it's in the eye of the beholder and my eye has to be satisfied before I approach anything. There is supposedly a plant whose name I don't know that blooms ever so rarely that gives off a stench that is unbearable. Would you believe some people stand in line to experience it? Not me. You would NEVER find me in such a line as that. It isn't the name of the plant that is offputting in this case but HOW IT IS DESCRIBED. How about visiting a Museum of Horrors? Or would you be more apt to visit a Museum dedicated to kindness/justice/honor/truth?
    Would you order and eat a dish that is advertised as being made of MYSTERY MEAT or one that is made of  chicken or fish or beef assuming you are not a Vegan or Vegetarian? What goes into a dish labeled MYSTERY?  Entrails or brains perhaps? I'm not brave enough or curious enough to find out. As I said maybe names are not that important to you. I'm glad my name is Rosemarie. I don't think I'd enjoy being an Apple or Moon Unit. Ever been to a circus where they had side shows and the side shows advertised "FREAKS OF NATURE"? You know the very fat woman?  The bearded lady? The two-faced man? There is an audience for that but it would not include me. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Wednesday to you m'dear!
      September 5, 2018 2:42 AM MDT