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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have you read the NYT Op Ed piece by Anonymous? It's very quick read. If you haven't here's what's innit. Curious?

Have you read the NYT Op Ed piece by Anonymous? It's very quick read. If you haven't here's what's innit. Curious?

The root of the president's problem is his amorality

He has little affinity for the Republican principles of FREE MINDS, FREE MARKETS, FREE PEOPLE

He is anti-trade and anti-democratic

His leadership stye is impetuous adversarial petty ineffective         

His meetings were off-topic, off the rails, with repetitive rants, half-baked, ill-informed and reckless decisions that sometimes had to be walked back

The presidency is two-track. He is on one. All the adults are on the other

He prefers autocrats and dictators

There were early whisphers among Cabinet Members bout invoking t he 25th Amendment (removing the prez from the office0

Posted - September 6, 2018


  • 35071
    What is means is there is some one from the Republican establishment in the administration and they are loosing their power and they want back. 

    Free trade...President is for free trade= no tariffs on either side. We dont have that. 

    I don't care that he has a temper....I don't about his sleazy actions with mistresses (I do not defend it or condone it either but it was known before he ever ran for President)...I care about policy. 

    Just what conservative principles has President Trump's policies violated? 
    Name just one.....

    He supports real free trade.
    Border security
    Merit based immigration
    Pro life
    Pro 2nd amendment
    Constitutionalist judges (rulings by what the law actually says no what they want it to say)
    Low taxes for all
    Strong military
    Lead from the strength (not from behind)
    Support Israel

    Etc, etc, etc.

    That the establisment wants their power back is not a surprise....25th would never fly.

      September 6, 2018 9:36 AM MDT