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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How d'yall feel right this very minute? Do you still believe super don is the victim? That everything critical of him is FAKE?

How d'yall feel right this very minute? Do you still believe super don is the victim? That everything critical of him is FAKE?

That he is being crucified by everyone and is innocent of all charges? So how many thousands of people are "in on it"? How did  they all get together to plan and plot and collude to effect his demise figuratively? When did this all happen? Who is the leader of this insurrection and why does everyone he hires turn on him? Is there any defect in him that causes him to keep hiring bad people who won't protect him and comfort him and stay loyal to him and die for him (figuratively speaking)? Or is he pure as the driven snow..innocent as lamb..nd everyone is just way jealous of him?

Posted - September 7, 2018


  • 1502
    He deserves at least some of his criticism, if not most. My problem comes from people blinded with hatred and political bias. Hypothetically the man could cure cancer and some portion of the population would complain he’s taken away medical jobs. 
      September 7, 2018 5:10 AM MDT

  • 6098
    One needs not subscribe to such ridiculous extremes.  If you are speaking of our President of course he is not perfect, but no question he has been the object of a  systematic campaign of hate and character assassination since he was elected.  And - what is especially ironic - from just those people who have been so quick to condemn others of  "hate"!  Such a campaign is unprecedented in the history of our country and clearly illustrates how hate can fuel people and make strange bedfellows.   Those who accuse our President of a lower moral tone might do well to examine their own thoughts and actions  it is rather like they are using their hatred of him as an excuse to get down and dirty themselves.  Which only lowers the general standards of behavior all around.  So what people would have, when we were younger, been ashamed of expressing now becomes the common currency, to the detriment of all of us.  The cat is out of the bag and people have found that they enjoy slinging mud and behaving excruciatingly and even feel themselves justified in doing so.  Too bad.  For all of us. 
      September 7, 2018 5:35 AM MDT