If you were Julie Chen, would you STAND BY YOUR MAN? For those who don't know she is the wife of former CBS Bigshot Les Moonves who just stepped down and out due to MORE women coming forward. He was already outed by other women for inappropriate sexual advances awhile ago. Now SIX MORE WOMEN have come forward and accused him of some awful things and he's out on his butt. Julie is taking a leave of absence from THE TALK but said she'd be on Big Brother or whatever other show she hosts. So. You're her. What what YOU do and why?
I don't know what the wife of that slothlike creep Harvey Weinstein did. Whether she is still there living the good life or whether she bailed and sued him for everything he's got.
Then you have Hillary who stood by her man sort of. I think she hung in because of her political ambitions and felt Bill could grease the way for her because a lot of folks still liked the guy. I doubt she stayed madly in love with him although of course I do not know.
Then you have Melania. She has been humiliated many times but hangs in still. After super don is booted/leaves/resigns/is impeached will she stick with him till death they do part or will she dump trump and move on?
Where does self-respect fit in?