It's very mysterious but here goes.
Apparently Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) received a letter IN JULY from a woman who wished to remain anonymous and did not want to come forward other than through that letter. The contents of the letter has not been made public BUT it is now in the hands of the FBI. After consulting with other Senators they advised Feinstein to take that letter to the FBI for their review.
A rumor is that it pertains to Kav when he was in high school and it appears to be about something sexual in nature though I don't know if that's true. But why else would the letter writer not want to come forward?
WHY was it delayed till now? Why wasn't it turned over immediately to the FBI in July when Feinstein received it?
I don't mean to excuse whatever it was but how far back do we go to "vet" a person? I mean have any of you done some really stupid things when you were a teen? So stupid you'd be humiliated if anyone found out about it? On the one hand everything you do/say informs us about whom you are/were but on the other hand isn't whom you are NOW very different from the person you were then? I'm not exactly defending him since I don't know what the allegation is but where do we draw the line? Is there any line where character is concerned or a statute of limitations where we shouldn't have access to seriously damaging information no matter how irrelevant? If indeed the info is seriously damaging. Very confusing.