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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Weird. A guy so obsessed with size who keeps making everything BIGGER than it is now wants us to believe something is smaller. WHAT?

Weird. A guy so obsessed with size who keeps making everything BIGGER than it is now wants us to believe something is smaller. WHAT?

Inauguration crowd size. Rally crowd size. His net worth. His body parts The number of friends he has. His talents/abilities/acumen/intelligence. Everything is bigger than it really is according to he because he thinks bigger is better. EXCEPT when it comes to the number of deaths caused directly or INDIRECTLY by a terrible response from da gubment to a hurricane affecting people of color whom he didn't even know are CITIZENS.  Something is definitely VERY VERY WRONG. A screw is loose. A part is missing. There is a hitch or glitch in his gitalong for sure. While Florence was approaching in real time he was still obsessing about Puerto Rico and Maria and the governor of San Juan and once again making it all about him and how grand a job he did. Go figger. SIGH. OY VEY whaddya say hey hey hey?

Posted - September 15, 2018
