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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We Americans don't need no lousy foreign terrorists/enemies! We kills/murders our own and don't need 'em! Independent we is!! YEA?

We Americans don't need no lousy foreign terrorists/enemies! We kills/murders our own and don't need 'em! Independent we is!! YEA?

Whether murdered/killed by cop or neighbor or road rage or "disgruntled" employee or competitor or political/religious enemy or relative or stranger or acquaintance at work at home in a theater at an outdoor event. We can't run we can't hide we are all targets for death at our hands. Very competent and independent. That is what NATIONALISM is all about. You don't need no one for nothing! Ya got it all covered very nicely "in the family". SIGH. American Exceptionalism! There ya have it! :(

Posted - September 16, 2018


  • 35039
    Accidents happen, criminals are everywhere, crazies are everywhere, we should be allowed to defend ourselves or we are setting ducks for them. 

    What would have happened if the man shot in his apartment had had a firearm to defend himself? This post was edited by my2cents at September 16, 2018 2:40 PM MDT
      September 16, 2018 7:18 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Not sure I am reading this correctly but your point seems to be if we are going to be killed anyway then why not let foreign terrorists do it.   Not sure why - because they are "victims" so they should be allowed to?  Because we are such a "bad" country all so full of "racists" and "sexists" and genocidal fighters that morally we somehow deserve to be killed?   While they are all honest and "pure" in their cause and their hatred of us so we should just let them do it?  This is to me a very strange view that has taken hold of so many people in this country. They no longer think in terms of right or wrong but rather just feel guilty that they are enjoying good lives and pretty safe lives so they feel the honorable thing to do is give them up for the benefit of less fortunate people.  Which to me seems like a kind of mass suicidal thinking. 

    Many people feel powerless over their own lives so they look for power through buying and using a gun.  But of course when they do that then others will respond in the same way so all you do is end up with a lot of people feeling powerful for a few seconds it takes to destroy the life or another and then they go right back to feeling powerless.  Now terrorists believe so in the rightness of their cause that they no longer honor human life at all. But anyone who does not agree with them or subscribe to their views must be eliminated. 

    That is the context. Now nationalism is simply a matterof seeing to your own and protecting your own.  Just as members of a family might defend that family.  Has nothing to do with killing each other. When many people do that they do so for the advantage it gives them or to just vent and fell more powerful. Terrorists feel powerful as well but they kill less for advantage than to gain confidence in the rightness of their cause by destroying all else.  Just as they would destroy one another if they had no enemies. There is a difference between those. 
      September 16, 2018 7:49 AM MDT

  • 1502
    So no other countries have killings? So because crime exists we shouldn’t hold terrorists accountable? I’m trying to figure out what your point is here. Crime exists everywhere. Murders still happen when places have gun bans or strict gun control. As long as humans are on earth crimes and murder will be committed. 
      September 16, 2018 2:38 PM MDT