Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Memory is very fragile.Bits and pieces of it can be destroyed. If something happened you DON'T REMEMBER are you lying when you deny it?

Memory is very fragile.Bits and pieces of it can be destroyed. If something happened you DON'T REMEMBER are you lying when you deny it?

Here's why I ask. One of the side effects of chemotherapy is loss of memory. They warn you of that possibility. It happened to me and there are bits and pieces of my life that are gone. I simply do not remember them and so for me they never happened but for others they did. I expect it can happen to anyone at any time for a variety of reasons. WHAT IF Kavanaugh (due to his drunken condition) just does not remember anything like that ever happening? His pal Mark Judge spoke of teenage alcoholism so who knows? How does Professor Ford get justice if she speaks the truth and Kavanaugh continues to deny it ever happened? It could have gone down exactly as she describes. So what happens next? Where is justice here?

Posted - September 18, 2018


  • 6098
    Something happened and neither of my answers to this question posted. 
      September 18, 2018 5:10 AM MDT

  • 35038
    I think something happened to this woman. However, given Kav history (clean history....rapists don't change) I believe she likely is mistaken as to who the boy was. If he is a pig....there would be other accusations out there. 
    Mrs. Ford cannot even say for certain what YEAR this happened. She was at a party perhaps she too was little drunk which could explain a misidentification of the boy who attacked her.
      September 18, 2018 6:40 AM MDT