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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is a double standard always wrong? I think women drunks are worse than men drunks to me. I expect different from them. Do you too?

Is a double standard always wrong? I think women drunks are worse than men drunks to me. I expect different from them. Do you too?

I'm always shocked when I see scenes of women at boxing matches shouting and cheering and clapping and yelling for their favorite to "kill the bas**rd"! Women who smoke versus men who smoke. They're both insane but it looks worse on the woman. To me. It isn't so much that I expect "better" from women as that I expect them to comport themselves in a more gentle, kind, ladylike way. That does not including getting drunk as a skunk, smelling of cigarette smoke and having  yellow teeth and stained fingers, or yelling for blood at a boxing match.  Old fashioned right? Out of fashion? Do you expect anything from anyone at any time for any reason?

Posted - September 21, 2018
