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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If someone told a very big lie about me that attacked my character/credibility I'd fight long and hard to prove otherwise. Wouldn't you too?

If someone told a very big lie about me that attacked my character/credibility I'd fight long and hard to prove otherwise. Wouldn't you too?

I'd welcome multiple investigations and testimony and want it done in public view and hearing so everyone would be able to watch/hear what was going down and going on. I wouldn't want a taint/shadow of suspicion to haunt me the rest of my life. Clarence Thomas has always been tainted..suspected of doing exactly what  Dr. Hill said he did. Living with the spectacle of that phony fake bogus trial hanging around his neck. His albatross until he dies and maybe hopefully beyond. Dr. Hill was vilified. Dr. Ford is "enjoying" the same treatment. Men  like those Senators serving on the kangaroo court fear intelligent strong capable accomplished women  and so they arrange things to serve them and not to serve truth.

Posted - September 21, 2018


  • 6098
    We have discussed this very same issue previously.  No of course not because once we feel we have to justify ourselves then we have lost already. If we have lives to live and enjoy then that is what we most want to do so it matter not whether we are attacked or slandered or whatever.  Because always someone out there who will want to do it for whatever reason.  That kind of behavior is too much like these gangs where they are just waiting to be "disrespected" so they can start busting heads and murdering.  And then the other gang has to do likewise to get "revenge".  No way to live for me - I was brought up  that you respect people and don't mess with them.  We had standard of behavior and it was not all about how many people you can wipe out. 
      September 21, 2018 5:42 AM MDT