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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We has met the enemy and they is us". If ALL women condemned very bad behavior it would help. Some women accept/defend it. Anyone know WHY?

"We has met the enemy and they is us". If ALL women condemned very bad behavior it would help. Some women accept/defend it. Anyone know WHY?

One trumpican female asks "what 17-year-old boy hasn't done that?" pertaining to attempted rape?  Another  trumpican female who was named(Lourdes Castillo de la Pene)  said she would still support Kavanaugh even if the allegations prove to be true. He** with supporters like that how can he lose? These women are beyond understanding. Why they are so wired is unknowable. But they exist and they are apparently in the many rather than the few vis a vis  trumpican females so there ya go. They stand by their men and their sons and their brothers and their uncles and their heroes and defend/excuse/accept all without condemnation or criticism. Why? Because of course men know best right? Anything goes! Nice isn't it?

Posted - September 23, 2018


  • 6098
    Please let me understand this.  We are to "condemn"men for "bad behavior"?  Just as they have condemned us for "bad behavior"?   Oh really?  So if we condemn them they are all just going to change?  As we change if they condemn us?  I don't think so.  What is wired into our DNA , without some horrible mutations, is not going to change.  Ever.  Men will always want to get with us.  Even gentlemen - they just know how to go about it more responsibly.  Just as we want to be with them and so encourage them both consciously as well as subconsciously.  Only thing is we know we can become pregnant so if and when we take that seriously we might call a halt.  For the time being! Because we are wired similarly.   So if we seek to "condemn" men we only condemn ourselves as well.  After all its not like we are all high and mighty and above the fray!  Men have to be themselves and express themselves and if they get violent and dangerous then they become criminals.   Just as we do if we get into that. 

     OK I know the difference between rape and playing around  because I have been raped multiple times, once violently. That as well becomes a part of who we are and we learn to deal with it and process it and get past it.  Other wise we only live as victims which I do not choose to be even though I have been victimized. I talk about it on the net because I want other women to be able to benefit from my experiences. I would NEVER come out of the woodwork and accuse anyone 40 years later. Because I value myself and my life more than that. 

      September 23, 2018 8:17 AM MDT