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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly during his many many many practice sessions Kav got very testy and refused to answer some questions Bill Shine asked. Why?

Allegedly during his many many many practice sessions Kav got very testy and refused to answer some questions Bill Shine asked. Why?

"I don't want to talk about that". He said allegedly to the guy who trying to mould him into being a perfect teller of his tale. Well he won't get away with it at the hearing. The trumpicans will be real sweet and complientary and very kiss-a**y but the Dems won't. So is he gonna have a hissy fit and a meltdown when he is asked questions "he doesn't want to talk about"? I guess we're gonna see which he shows up? The smooth-as-silk one who has memorized all possible answers to all possible questions or the guy who "doesn't want to talk about it" for whatever reasons? Place yer bets.

Posted - September 23, 2018
