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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We KNEW it was only a matter of time. The rush to push Kav's confirmation through was due to more accusations. Surprised?

We KNEW it was only a matter of time. The rush to push Kav's confirmation through was due to more accusations. Surprised?

A sexual abuser rarely does it only once. Rarely is there an isolated incident. So now a Deborah Ramiez has come forward and also an ex-girlfrind of Mark Judge has come forward and both are telling their stories. Exactly what trumpicans feared wold happen. Their hands were caught in the cookie jar. The good old boy "boys will be boys" were caught. The trumpican dame who asked "doesn't every 17 year old do that"? (attempt a rape or rape) are all spotlighted. It will certainly get uglier and whom do we despise more? Kav for lying or the trumpican Senators who knew he was lying and knew about more accusations and tried to speed things up? A cesspool in which they all live and swim and tread water. The stench is getting worse. What do YOU want to have happen? Why?

Posted - September 24, 2018
