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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When you spy one ant, one termite, one roach do you assume that's all there is or that you may have an infestation? What do you do about it?

When you spy one ant, one termite, one roach do you assume that's all there is or that you may have an infestation? What do you do about it?

Posted - September 24, 2018


  • 35036
    So women are pests now?
      September 24, 2018 7:00 AM MDT

  • 19937

    How do you get that women are pests from this question?  She's talking about insects.

      September 26, 2018 10:45 AM MDT

  • 35036
    You know she is not talking about bugs. 
    She is talking about alleged abuse by Kavanaugh. I have know RosieG many years and been friends for many years. And I know how her question follow one each other. 
      September 26, 2018 11:50 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Take a look at Don Barzini's response and her reply.  Sometimes a question is just a question.
      September 26, 2018 1:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    SIGH. This what is out there L. This is what I have to endure. People telling me what I mean and telling others that that what I ask isn't really what it seems to be but a metaphor for something else.  I am beyond amazed and not in a good way! :(
      September 29, 2018 2:20 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I know what you mean.  Everyone is quick to judgment.  Happy Saturday. :)
      September 29, 2018 9:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 29, 2018 9:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am embarrassed for you m2c. YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.  Get a grip! Read my question about the disappearance of flying and crawling critters. Read the fine response plus helpful link I received from an Answermug member. Your brain is clouded with partisan politics and you see boogey men everywhere. Sheesh. Good GRIEF! This post was edited by RosieG at September 29, 2018 9:17 AM MDT
      September 29, 2018 2:14 AM MDT

  • 35036
    My apologizes. 
      September 29, 2018 7:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Accepted. When in doubt please ask me what I mean and I will tell you. I don't lie and I have never lied to you. Okey dokey. Let's move on. ((hugs) thank you for the apology.
      September 29, 2018 9:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 29, 2018 2:18 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Ants are one thing, but you ignore one roach or (worse) one termite at your peril. These are not solitary creatures, and the damage they can do en masse is worth further inspection. This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 26, 2018 10:43 AM MDT
      September 24, 2018 9:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know what's so weird DB? I'm gonna whisper this to you. For months now we haven't seen a roach or an ant. Fortunately we haven't ever seen termites in this house. We do see an occasional fly but that's it. Last year the mosquitoes ate me alive. This year I haven't had one bite. Something strange is going on and I'm not sure what it is. Have you experienced the same thing? It's not that I miss seeing the little critters but it's not our norm. Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 25, 2018 2:57 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Living in an apartment building, I haven't seen any ants or termites at all.  I will see an occasional roach if an apartment is being painte or renovated and on very rare occasions, I have spotted a waterbug in the bathtub if we have a particularly wet spring or summer.  I don't suspect infestations and I don't do anything other than kill whatever is crawling.  When the weather gets cooler, we do get some spiders and those centipedes which are almost too fast to catch. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at September 28, 2018 2:46 AM MDT
      September 26, 2018 10:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It's kinda weird where we are L. Haven't seen an ant inside or OUTSIDE in so many months I've lost count. We'd see a roach or two in the garage or the backyard once in awhile. Not lately. Not at all. Not even one. It's kinda spooky. I wonder why? Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 28, 2018 2:47 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I'm not sure why this is happening, but I'm not complaining.  I've also noticed that we don't have as many flying insects around either.  We have quite a few butterfly bushes around our development.  A couple of years ago, there were more butterflies than you could count.  Now, I think I've seen four or five.  You would think that with all the rain we've had here in NYC this summer, there would be plenty of mosquitoes, but not those either.  They did do a ground spray a few weeks ago and that must have helped.  

    I keep forgetting to wish you a Happy Friday - my apologies. :)
      September 28, 2018 7:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No apologies needed m'dear. I know without your actually saying it that you do. Friends are like that right?  I know a few years ago there was a big BUZZ about the vastly diminishing supply of bees. I'm not sure if they ever found out why. I wonder if climate change could have anything to do with it? I'm not complaining either but it is noticeable. Last year I got bitten by mosquitos a few times. The year before they ate me alive! I was so miserable. This year? One bite several months ago. That's it! Go figger! Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 28, 2018 8:14 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Thanks.  I knew you would understand. :)

    One explanation for the collapse of the bee population is the overuse of pesticides.  It's a very serious problem because without pollination, there is no food supply.  There are other flying insects that pollinate, but bees are one of the main sources.  I wouldn't be surprised if climate change is also a factor.  
      September 28, 2018 9:33 PM MDT