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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A gal lawyer who specializes in prosecuting sex crimes will be doing the questioning, not the 11 male trumpican Senators. WHO PAYS?

A gal lawyer who specializes in prosecuting sex crimes will be doing the questioning, not the 11 male trumpican Senators. WHO PAYS?

I think these 11 wimpy trumpican Juciary Committee cowardly senators should pay her costs out of their own salaries! Why in the he** should we still pay them for not doing their job while we have to also pay for this se  crimes PROSECUTOR to fly in from Arizona, stay a coupla days, grill Dr. Ford, fly back and pay her wages too? We are getting screwed once again financially by these trumpican chicken men. Aren't they SPESHUL?

Posted - September 26, 2018


  • 6023
    I think it's a good idea, actually.

    1 - We get a professional doing the interview, rather than amateurs.
    (and personally, I think it should be this way ALL the time to avoid politics)

    2 - We avoid the "it's uncaring to have a male interview a female victim" response from certain people.
      September 26, 2018 7:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It's the job of the Judiciary Committee to do the questioning Walt. Judicial appointments are no exception. The "professional" is an attorney who prosecutes sexual assault cases. She was selected by the trumpicans. So they are abrogating their responsibility to do the job required and will pay for an outsider to come in and do it for them. My question is who should pay for it?  Obviously I disagree with thee. So what? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. The chickensh** trumpican Senators are admitting they are incapable of conducting themselves appropriately and fear a repeat of the offensive treatment they accorded Anita Hill. Scairdy cat wimps. Inept, impotent, useless. That is always the way and we the people always get to pay for their lack of ability courage temperament character. They are 11 white men hiding behind the skirts of a woman. That is seriously sick don'tcha think? Moving on........ This post was edited by RosieG at September 26, 2018 10:19 AM MDT
      September 26, 2018 7:56 AM MDT

  • 6098
    So they are either "offensive" or "scairdy cat wimps …"?  Haha you don't give them much of a choice!   Either knuckle under or risk prosecution for "sexual assault".  Sad to think that is what this country has come to. 
      September 26, 2018 8:25 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I'm curious why you only mention the 11 Republican members.
    Why not the 10 Democrats?  (4 of whom are women)

    Are the Democrats doing their own questioning of Dr Ford?
      September 26, 2018 1:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The Dems will ask their own questions. The Republicans on the Judiciary Committee are 11 white men and they are too chickensh** to do their own questioning so they hired an attorney who prosecutes sex crimes to be their surrogate. A dame. Hiding behind a woman's skirts because they are inept impotent and incapable of asking pertnent fair questions. I believe them. They know they will do another Anita Hill and crucify her so because they are all alcoholics they dare not touch a drop. There is no need to talk about the Democratic Senators on the Judiciary Committee. They will ask their own questions Walt. I know precisely the members of the Demcratic Judiciary Commitee are. There is an African American woman (California Senator Kamala Harris) and an African American man (Cory Booker) and there is also a Hawaiian woman, Senator Maisie Hiroto. So there you have diversity. 11 white men do not represent America. Why should I pull the Dems in who are diverse? It is the vanilla homogenized trumpicans who are the shameful group don'tcha think? Did I answer your question? This post was edited by RosieG at September 27, 2018 4:08 AM MDT
      September 27, 2018 4:05 AM MDT