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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The eleven white men on the Judiary Committee are homogenized/vanilla. Dems on the Committee are diverse. Guess which group is chickenny?

The eleven white men on the Judiary Committee are homogenized/vanilla. Dems on the Committee are diverse. Guess which group is chickenny?

Amazing how desperate these 11 white men are. So desperate they don't mind hiding behind a woman's skirts to avoid having to do their jobs. Oh they justify it and defend and make it seem as if it will be helpful to the cause of justice. Bullsh**.  They are chickens. Afraid of their own shadows. Unable to do the job for which they are paid handsomely. So they will just silently sit on their a**es collecting their paychecks while a stranger who will be paid for her services PLUS EXPENSES will do the questioning. How quaint is that? Going from wanting women to be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen who don't have the vote to choosing a woman to "man up" and do their job for them?  They should be humiliated embarrassed ashamed but of course trumpicans are never any of those things.  They think that and apologizing shows weakness. Actually what they've done shows how very weak they are. SIGH. Let the games begin.

Posted - September 27, 2018
