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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » California's Proposition 9* was removed from the Ballot. Ever had anything removed from your state's ballot?

California's Proposition 9* was removed from the Ballot. Ever had anything removed from your state's ballot?

*The propositon that would split California into 3 parts.

California would consist of Salinas, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles
Northern California would be San Jose north to the border of Oregon
Southern California would be Fresno south to the border with Mexico

The state Supreme Court said questions were raised regarding the proposition's validity. Now at some
future time if the state Supreme Court decides that it is valid it could appear once again on a ballot.
For Californians. Would you vote for separation or remaining intact? Why?

For residents of others states, though you would not be impacted, what would you like to have happen and why?.

Posted - September 27, 2018


  • 10795
    No, I wouldn't vote for it.

    I am somewhat puzzled by the removal of the prop.  If I understood the measure, it wasnt binding (as in we MUST split the state), rather an advisory measure to showed who favored and didn't favor the idea.  It was up the the state legislature whether or not they wanted to pursue the idea, as only congress can split a state.

    This isn't a new idea.  Similar ones have been floated for years (folks around here still flying their "State of Jefferson" banners).

    While I agree that most money and representation goes to SoCal, and that most resources are in NorCal, I think splitting the state would be self-defeating.  Why?  money!  Those new  "states" would be very weak (despite what it says on paper).  Each would have to have its own state government (expensive).  This would mean raising taxes to pay for it.  California is already has some of the highest taxes in the nation, this would only make them higher.  Each state would have to set their own "rules" and regulations (as allowed by the federal government) which could affect jobs.  Interstate commerce could be affected, depending on what laws are set up by each new state.  

    California is in for some hard times due to climate change.  Odds are high that the south will continue to dry up while the north will see less snow and thus less water storage (the fight for water is already going on).  This isn't considered in the split (how can it as no one's really sure what will happen).

    While I think California might be a bit big for itself, I don't think drastic splitting is the answer.
      September 27, 2018 11:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    As a proud Californian for almost my entire very long life I totally agree with thee Shuhak! It would be a Civil War on a lower scale. Very disloyal and misguided. We already had one of those intra-country. We sure as he** don't need one intra-state. For years when Rick Perry was a Texas Governor he threatened leaving pulling Texas from the union. I like California intact. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! Are you perchance watching/listening to the Dr. Ford/Judge Kavanaught hearings? :)
      September 27, 2018 11:18 AM MDT

  • 10795
    No, I'm not watching it.  I don't mean to offend anyone or belittle any cause, but I think it's turned into a circus. (just my opinion)
      September 27, 2018 4:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It was. Kvanuagh was very angry the entire time, almost shouting. He drank  lot of water and screwed his face up a lot, crying some of the time and trying not to cry a lot of the time. He did something weird with his tongue. You'd have to see it to understand what I mean. He kept interrupting the  Democratic Senators and was belligerent hostile rude and obnoxious. He was performing for super duper don who had let it be known he was very unhappy with the performance Kav gave during the Fox interview with his wife by his side. Looked very weak during it. I thought he looked even weaker yesterday. He was very loud  ALL THE TIME!. A thoroughly unpleasant person. Having seen that performance he is not suited to be any kind of judge in my opinion. I did not see a trace of a calm rational human being once during his stint on camera. I'd rate his performance a D-.  It would be a F if he hadn't shown up. The woman whose skirts the trumpican Senators hid behind was useless. The questions she asked of Dr. Ford were quite dumb and going nowhere. It was a theatrical spectacle. I did think Dr. Ford was credible. Kav was anything but although I'm sure super duper don will give him an A+ and he will be confirmed. Lindsay Graham was a nutjob during side interviews. Furiously angry at the whole process. I betcha John McCain was embarrassed for him...wherever  Senator McCain may be may he RIP. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee! :)
      September 28, 2018 2:11 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I'm really not sure why Californians would want it.
    It's not like it's giving any political power to rural areas ... the cities would still "rule" the politics.
    The only reason I can think of, is that it would give them 6 Senators instead of only 2.

    But hey, if the District of Columbia becomes a state - then all the rules go out the window, as far as I'm concerned.
      September 27, 2018 11:30 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply reply Walt. Well I think it's silly and I do not know why those who are proponents of it want it. Happy Friday! :)
      September 28, 2018 2:41 AM MDT