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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For those who watched/heard Kavanaugh. Was his appearance/demeanor what you want on SCOTUS? Is this the JUDICIAL TEMPERAMENT YOU SUPPORT?

For those who watched/heard Kavanaugh. Was his appearance/demeanor what you want on SCOTUS? Is this the JUDICIAL TEMPERAMENT YOU SUPPORT?

He was almost shouting most of the time. He was consistently ANGRY. He cried much of the time from the FURY of his anger I guess and also screwed up his face a lot. He focused for awhile on how much he loves beer and even asked those who questioned him if they loved beer and if not what they llked to drink. He went on a riff about his love of beer then and now. It was a tour de force performance and I'm sure all beer manufacturers thank him for it. He was hostile belligerent and seemed to be out of control a good deal of the time. It was not an even-tempered person who appeared. Kav indulged himself in partisan political conspiracy theories and said that it was a calculated political hit by the Democrats and it was revenge on behalf of the Clintons? WHAT? SAY WHAT? He was aggressive all the way through. Not what I think of when I think of a judge. If you saw his performance do you think he has the right stuff to be elevated to the Supreme Court for life? But then the rules we used to go by are gone. We have a singular prez...not a compliment. We already have Clarence Thomas on the court and I guess it couldn't hurt to have another one like him. He was angry and hostile too and said it was like a LYNCHING after he was accused of sexual impropriety. Anita Hill's accusations were brushed away and they made him a SCOTUS JUSTICE ANYWAY. They will do it again because it worked so well for them the first time. Why not have lightening strike twice? Any future nominees after Kav and the same lightening could strike a third time! The third time's the charm after all. So here we go into another future than one we have ever known. It looks very dark and very bleak and very unforgiving. Appearances are deceiving, right?  :(

Posted - September 28, 2018
