Extremes are at each end with everything else in-between. Now reading about each extreme would never have been as informative/illustrative as was actually seeing and hearing each one. Dr. Ford admitted she didn't want to be there and was terrified. Yet her comportment/demeanor was quiet and respectful and she seemed to want to be as helpful as possible. Kav, on the other hand, came out swinging and just escalated that into an arena of a Clinton conspiracy! He was enraged furious belligerent loud...at times almost shouting. His emotions were out of control. He cried and made funny weird faces all throughout. He drank water. His fury was palpable. He was respectful of all the trumpicans but very rude to all the Dems. He had to apologize to one of them after a break for being out of line. He asked Senator Clobershure if she had ever blacked out. Her father is an alcoholic so it was more than obnoxiously rude of him but he didn't care. His rabid rampant ferocious obsessive partisanship was all out there. He let it all hang out so to speak. That was him in all his glory at the top of his lungs. A shocking display of uncontrolled vehemence. Dr. Ford was far more JUDGELY than Kav. All that pent-up fury was unleashed. He got brownie points by trumpicans for that temper tantrum hissy fit but eventually a few Republicans came forth and tried to do what was right. A fitting end of one phase and the beginning of another. Hope it's worth it! :)