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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » IT WAS RIGGED! The super don did not win The Nobel Peace Prize for falling in love with North Korea's Kim. Guess who got it?

IT WAS RIGGED! The super don did not win The Nobel Peace Prize for falling in love with North Korea's Kim. Guess who got it?

It was shared by two people who were cited for their efforts to end the use of SEXUAL VIOLENCE as a weapon of war.

Congo's Denis Mukwege and Iraq's Nadia Murad.

Ironic isn't it? One of the poster boys for sexual abuse, super don, thought he should get the Nobel Peace Prize for falling in love with a despot dictator human rights violator!. What was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded for this time? Fighting sexual abuse as a weapon war.

There is a moral in there somewhere. Can you find it?

Posted - October 5, 2018
