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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many magazines do you subscribe to and why? You do know they SELL subscription lists, don'tcha?

How many magazines do you subscribe to and why? You do know they SELL subscription lists, don'tcha?

Within weeks of my joining the Sierra Club and The Nature Conservancy I got solicitations from the National Audubon Society, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund and the National Wildlife Federation. That kinda annoys me bigly. Does the same thing happen to you and if so does it irritate you too?

Posted - October 5, 2018


  • 10795
    Mag-a-zines?  What are those? (kidding).

    I don't subscribe to magazines anymore.  For one thing I can't afford that luxury and another, I don't read them.  
    I'm assuming you're talking about these organizations begging you for money (donations).  What gets me is how much they spend on al this begging.  I don't get magazines, but I get TONS of these organizations begging for money!  I get tons of calendars, greeting cards, blankets, backpacks, shopping totes...even money (coins).  Be aware that if you do "give" them a donation, their next plea will be higher.  For example, the NWF will say that for a $10 "gift" they will send you a blanket.  If you do donate, they'll want $25 next time - for the same (cheap) blanket!  Worse, if you ignore them long enough they'll just send the blanket to you - free!  And they never give up!  It must spend $5 (combined) on mailings (paper, postage and "freebies") each month - on me alone!  Times that by, oh, say, 1,000 other people, and you're talking a huge chunk of change.  Does that meant that means unless those 1,000 people donate more than $5k these "charities" come out in the hole?  What percent of the donations goes towards more begging? 10%?  25%?  50%?  They also pay a staff out of these "donations" (nonprofit or not).  many times less than .01 of each dollar goes towards "the cause", the rest goes to administrative fees (no wonder that have to beg so much).

    Forgive my "rant".  It's just that I shred at least 8 of these "solicitations" a week (some from the same people) ... which seems like a complete waste of resources to me.
      October 5, 2018 9:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I got another one yesterday Shuhak! This one was from the National Parks Conservation Association. A few address labels and a pitch to subscribe. Not only that but when you do lose your mind and subscribe within weeks of subscribing you start getting renewal bills! Repeatedly. I didn't really think of what it is costing them to do that until you brought it up but it clearly it is working or they wouldn't keep doing it.  I also subscribe  to Smithsonian and Time. SIGH. I'd like to subscribe to Scientific American but I'm afraid to do so because that will become another source of irritation. In the long ago olden days I'd subscribe and when it came time for renewal I either did or didn't. Simple. Now? Sheesh! Thank you for your thoughtful and lively reply. You know my pain ll too well. I wonder if we number in the millions or billions? Happy Saturday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 6, 2018 9:18 AM MDT
      October 6, 2018 2:22 AM MDT

  • 44752
    You just gave us all a good reason to not subscribe.
      October 5, 2018 3:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I pray you do not become a victim Ele. I just got another one yesterday. National Parks  Conservation Association.   I got a few address labels, a bill and another pitch. Oy vey and yikes. Years ago it didn't used to be like that. And Shuhak brings up an excellent point. How much is it costing them to do that? In the olden days you'd subscribe. When  it came time to renew you'd get a bill and either renew or not. That was the end of it.  And as I told Shuhak you start getting renewal bills almost immediately! Everything is accelerated and persistent. And irritating. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      October 6, 2018 2:27 AM MDT

  • 44752
    I remember joining AARP about 12 years ago. All I got for my annual fee was a mailbox full of junk everyday. I did not renew my membership, but still to this day receive junk from them.
      October 6, 2018 6:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Every week I get at least one piece of mail from them. Times 52 weeks Ele. One person. Multiply that by bazillions and what does it cost them to send junk mail to so many folks who simply sh**can it immediately without even opening it? I don't get it! Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 6, 2018 7:15 AM MDT