Sure thousands upon thousands of #METOO people inundated their representatives with their own previously hidden sexually abusive histories...many of whom had never said a word to ANYONE through the decades of their lives. Dr. Ford's brave action encouraged them to share their experiences. As if any of them mattered. You can see how little the powers that be cared a bit about any of it. They gave "lip service" to it so they would appear to be caring. What bullsh**! The fix was always in and while Senator Murkowski of Alaska stepped up and did the right thing Senator Collins embarrassed herself with her lengthy suckuppy a**kissing and Jeff Flake just flaked out. I think he was not as tortured as he pretended to be. He just wanted cover for what turned out to be the inevitable. Shame on him. Joe Manchin, a Dem in a red state, caved and voted yes to save his re-election. After all a job is a job and who the he** cares about right and wrong and principle.. Heidi Heitkamp couldn't bring herself to vote yes and stated she would vote no. Her political career may be over because of it. She did the right thing for the right reason and whatever comes she will accept it. Brave. Irrelevant. Sad.