Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The distance between WHAT IS and WHAT SHOULD BE grows greater day by day. Soon WHAT SHOULD BE will no longer be a possibility. What then?

The distance between WHAT IS and WHAT SHOULD BE grows greater day by day. Soon WHAT SHOULD BE will no longer be a possibility. What then?

Posted - October 7, 2018


  • 6098
    WHAT IS is all we can depend upon.   Every person in the world has a different idea of WHAT SHOULD BE because such a notion is mostly based, at best, on wishful thinking that centers around them, or , at worst, on playing God.  Just as there are physical laws there are social laws as well and we go against them at out own peril.  There will never be any "utopia" or perfect world because as humans we are just not perfectible!   Go against the basic laws as you may and it will likely turn out in the end to have just the opposite effect of what you intended,  So why wait around for something which will never happen?  Best stick to WHAT IS and find a place for yourself within it. 
      October 7, 2018 8:09 AM MDT