Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» MISS! Make it simple stupid. Super don framed the confirmation as not punishing someone for drinking beer in school. Simple, right?
MISS! Make it simple stupid. Super don framed the confirmation as not punishing someone for drinking beer in school. Simple, right?
When in fact it was about attempted RAPE and LYING UNDER OATH on multiple occasions. During his confirmation KAV said WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. I sincerely hope so KAV. I sincerely hope so.
Is his wife too old to get pregnant again tom? In any case Kickapoo Joy Juice is now a Justice of the Supreme Court. He can rule against Democrats/Liberals/Progressive because he hates them as he attested to UNDER OATH. He can rule against anything benefitting women because he hates them too. As for people of color guess how he 'd rule? He hates everyone that isn't white male but he will be polite to white females superficially. During an interview his wife was asked a direct question by the interviewer. The interviewer posed it to her specifically by name saying she'd ask the same question of the Kickapoo. However Kickapoo Joy Juice did not allow his wife to answer. He answered for her. He be da boss da man da guy and his wife is just a woman who should know her place and stay there silently. Did you happen to see that interview where he was with his wife? He came off like such a wimp super don let it be known he'd better come out fighting at the confirmation hearing if he wanted the job. So you saw the results, right? Kickapoo Joy Juice spent many hours being "coached" by Don McGahn which got ramped up bigly after super don's threat to pull him from consideration. Kickapoo Joy Juice went bonkers and nuts and ranted and raved and almost foamed at the mouth and kept crying and tongueing his cheek in a most bizarre way and drank water a lot and fell apart at the top of his lungs while he interrupted and insulted and attacked and berated and was altogether rude. It was an unforgettable indelible incredible look inside a man who will do/say anything to sate his ambition. Ain't Amurrica great? Apologies for the long reply! Thank you for your thoughts.