Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No opinion will ever match real-life experience. Provided the experience is told truthfully and not jazzed up with crappy lies. However?

No opinion will ever match real-life experience. Provided the experience is told truthfully and not jazzed up with crappy lies. However?

We're all different so experiences are perceived is definitely individual.  A teenage drunk can easily become an adult drunk and die from it. Or a teenage drunk can mature enough to realize ho w stupid that is and just stop being stupid. One size does not fit all. There is no single template within which every teenage drunk fits as an adult. So when you know someone's history you are always taking a chance on what that person will do and what you can expect and what he will deliver.

Posted - October 10, 2018


  • 6098
    I don't know.  You may remember AnonymousGirl from the old site who used to accuse people of "negating her experience".  Which I find people do fairly often. Not that they disbelieve my experience but rather that they reject it citing chapter and verse of this or that study or this or that journal article when the real reason is simply that it does not suit them.  So the need to find so-called "studies" and "data" to support what we already believe.  In spite of how much the same we all are still we are different and have different journeys and have to take different paths.  So yes one size does not fit all. 
      October 10, 2018 7:00 AM MDT