Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Even if you "eat light" most of the time do you ever want to consume something you can "sink your teeth into"? What about thinking?

Even if you "eat light" most of the time do you ever want to consume something you can "sink your teeth into"? What about thinking?

Is "thinking light" your cuppa tea while heavy thinking holds no interest for thee? Whaddo I mean by "heavy" thinking? Weighty profound topics like what is the meaning of life and why do people hate and do we really have choices or is everything we do/say/think preordained? Stuff like that. :)

Posted - October 11, 2018


  • 6098
    By your definition I guess I do at times engage in some heavier thinking but mostly I leave that to the heavy thinkers - those who enjoy such thinking.  I don't have the capacity for understanding many things so just think until I have worked it out for myself which I suppose some would think on a very shallow level.  But works for me.  I am more of a practical person than a "deep" thinker. 
      October 11, 2018 4:59 AM MDT