Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I wonder if YOU experience something you ridiculed (being sexually assaulted f'r instance) would that flip you or wouldja still ridicule?
My parents had taught me never to ridicule something or someone because "you never know when it may happen to you". And whenever I read news of sexual assaults - and there's plenty of such news in the papers - I myself am filled with fear. Sounds irrational, I know.
Thank you for your reply Neelie. Hitler begged to be ridiculed and he was. The don of john begs to be ridiculed and he is every night on late-night shows. Some people require being ridiculed. Either laugh at them or cry. I choose to laugh.
I do not ridicule sexual assault. Nor did I before I was sexually assaulted. Which I have been several times, depending on how you wish to define "sexual assault". What I do ridicule is the notion that we should somehow cherish our victimhood and enshrine it and allow it to define us.
"CHERISH"? What an odd word to use vis a vis what VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT have to deal with. CHERISH? CHERISH? Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thy anyway.
This post was edited by my2cents at December 21, 2018 1:15 PM MST