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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is a shocking development. A journalist with a Green Card who works for an American newspaper disappears. What will the US do?

This is a shocking development. A journalist with a Green Card who works for an American newspaper disappears. What will the US do?

You've undoubtedly read about  it. He went into the Saudi embassy in Turkey for a meeting and never came out. It is rumored he is dead and was dismembered. Now it is thought that the newest Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia (a good friend of Jared Kushner allegedly) arranged the hit because this journalist was a dissident. Here's what I don't get. Why would he(Kashoggi?) go anywhere near a Saudi anything no matter where it was located? What lured him there? What made him just saunter in casually alone (because we see tape of him doing just that)?

How will the US deal with this? Is the "friendship" between Kushner and the hotheaded Saudi Prince (who is known to do hotheaded things..I think he had his brother murdered so he could take over but I'm not sure about that) so important that the US will turn a blind eye as it does so many times?

What is the life of a journalist worth? One with a Green Card who is not an American citizen but works for an American company? Will this be pursued wherever the truth leads and will the Saudis be put on the carpet and punished or will it just be another shammy scammy con and swept under the rug and the Saudis will be declared innocent? Place yer bets.

Posted - October 12, 2018
